Winter Driving Tips
Greetings Colorado CarShare Members!
Having trouble finding our Colorado CarShare cars during heavy snowfall? Our Member Support Team is always here to help, but as a small nonprofit with convenient and comprehensive vehicles across Denver and Boulder County, it takes us a while to brush off every one of our cars, trucks and our AWD snow toys!
Here are some tips to help your trip go more smoothly in the event of a snowfall or very cold weather:
- Allow more time (5-10 mins) in your booking to brush snow off the car, chip ice away, heat up, etc.
- In every car there is a brush and scraper located in the backseat, or in the trunk
- Be sure you are familiar with the car type, color, and location before your booking
- Upon leaving the car, double-check that all lights in the car are off (even one door light left on can drain a winter battery super fast)
- Take extra care and leave far more breaking distance on icy roads
If snow or low battery issues have caused any inconvenience (it happens in cold/ice!), know that Colorado CarShare is committed to being here for you year-round and we’re doing our best!
Be sure to remember these tips for the upcoming cold snap and snowfall, and enjoy our beautiful Colorado Winters!
~ Your Colorado CarShare Team