Member Spotlight – Jenna Bee


I was in an accident in June of 2016 and unable to replace my car right away.  I spent the summer biking a lot, and getting a lot of rides from wonderfully supportive friends.  I was amazed at just how much I was able to do in Boulder with a bike and a little extra planning.  But I definitely missed the alone time I used to spend in the car– and the sense of independence that came from being able to drive anywhere, whenever I wanted.

As summer came to a close, a close friend started making travel plans that would leave his car in Boulder, unused for about 3 months.  He was kind and trusting enough to let me drive his car whenever I needed it– and I was reminded of how much easier life was with a car.  As I priced out options to replace my car on his return, I just couldn’t get the numbers to work out.  I operate my own business as a yoga teacher– traveling to teach many of my classes onsite.  Most of my work is in Boulder, so technically bikeable, but on any given day I need to transport a bunch of yoga mats, my computer and other “work stuff,” and oftentimes other various athletic equipment.  This can all be tricky on a bike through the Colorado winter.

A friend suggested that I look into carshare programs, so I decided to price it out.  When I saw eGo’s non-profit mission, and experienced personalized support through the application process, I was sold.  As I learned the ins and outs of the program, the team was available to answer any questions or concerns that I had.  I’ve been a member for about a month and a half now and I feel more motivated, empowered, and free in my business and my life.  This whole experience has showed me that I actually used to attach a lot of my independence to my car.  When it was gone one day, I was shocked at how little it affected me logistically, but how much it affected my feeling of independence.  So now, it’s perfect.  I have access to a car whenever I need it.  I can give friends rides again, repaying so many of the favors I called in over the past year.  I can even grab a pickup and help somebody move!  Most importantly, I can accept any new business opportunity that comes my way, with confidence that transportation won’t be an issue.

As a yoga teacher, I encourage my students to use their bodies and minds as effectively and efficiently as possible.  As a member of eGo Carshare, I feel like I’m using my time and money– and bicycle– optimally.  I’m so grateful to have found out about this valuable resource, headquartered right around the corner.

Jenna Bee

Founder and Yoga Teacher, All Terrain Yoga