Give the Gift of Transportation this Holiday Season!

Do you have an Eco Pass? Do you appreciate and value the freedom and mobility it provides for you? If so, please consider giving the gift of transportation to a local, low-income family this holiday season. Schedule your donation TODAY!

Did you know transportation is the second largest expense, after housing, for most people? Even in car-free households, families spend a large portion of their income getting around. Sometimes this cost makes it nearly impossible to access a job or to attend a child’s school play. As we looked around our community we saw amazing organizations making big impacts addressing people’s housing needs, and realized that we could help with people’s transportation needs. So we applied and were awarded a grant through the Denver Regional Council of Governments to offer a ‘Transportation Toolkit” to residents living in specific Boulder Housing Partners, Denver Housing Authority and Habitat for Humanity homes in Boulder and Denver. This toolkit includes deep subsidies for annual RTD transit passes (primarily through the Neighborhood Eco pass program), access and discounts to eGo CarShare, and free or subsidized B-cycle memberships. This grant requires a 17% local match however. We were grateful to receive matching funding from Mile High Connects and The Denver Foundation in 2014, but for 2015 we will need your help!

Noel Taylor_Mariposa

“To have the NECO pass is a massive blessing as it assures I will always have transportation for getting food, medical help etc.  Additionally it saves a tremendous amount of money that I can now use for basic living needs that I would not have had otherwise.  It is just a tremendous blessing.”  – Noel Taylor senior living in Tapiz at the Mariposa Development

This holiday season please consider sponsoring an annual transit pass for one of your neighbors! Below you will see the primary neighborhoods we are working in and how much eGo needs to meet the 17% match. Colorado Gives Day is Thursday, December 9th and we are asking that you make a contribution on this day. When donating enter in one of the amounts below (or another amount of your choosing) and specify which neighborhood (or specific resident) you would like it go towards in the comment section. Easy!

You can schedule your donation TODAY so you don’t have to worry about remembering to do it on December 9th.

Affordable Housing Neighborhood      Match Needed per Annual Pass
Number of Passes Needed
Mariposa – Denver$215156
Globeville – Denver$24825
Red Oak Park – Boulder$8082
Westview – Boulder$3032
Broadway East West – Boulder$30150

A little about Colorado Gives Day: For the fifth year, Community First Foundation and FirstBank are partnering to present Colorado Gives Day on Tuesday, December 9, 2014. Colorado Gives Day is an annual statewide movement to celebrate and increase philanthropy in Colorado through online giving. This year, because of a new $1 Million Incentive Fund, every dollar you donate will be increased proportionally. That means if a nonprofit organization receives 10 percent of the total donations made on Colorado Gives Day, that same nonprofit will receive 10 percent of the $1 Million Incentive Fund!

See our website for more information about our Affordable Housing Transportation Toolkit program.