eGo Alert – Celebrate Earth Day!

Dear eGo Amigos & Amigas!

As we celebrate the 50th Earth Day, it is hard to believe what an incredibly difficult time we’ve all been through. At eGo CarShare we’ve already had to take over a quarter of our fleet offline, at least for now. But…in a world where millions are now unemployed and business windows are permanently shuttered, we know that life is more important, and…we are still here. Because of you.

The Earth has had a chance to breathe, if briefly, and we’ve experienced new levels of gratitude. So we give thanks for everything that we have — for life, for family, for those we have lost, and for those on the front lines who have sacrificed for the rest of us. We are also thankful for you, our Members, our volunteers, our community, and our rock star staff, who took voluntary time and pay cuts to keep eGo alive during this difficult time. We especially want to thank those of you who believed in us enough to have made an extra donation. You have made a difference.
We’re almost there. Governor Polis has already pointed to the light of a brighter future and of hope for some semblance of normalcy. But we can still use your help, so that we can be there for you and for the most vulnerable members of our community during and beyond this crisis. So if you feel so inclined please help us to help eGo survive, thrive and build a more prosperous, resilient and sustainable Colorado.
And again, from all of us here at eGo CarShare, from our Board, from our staff and from our amazing volunteers, thank you, be safe, be healthy and be well.

Save our Fleet — Sponsor an eGo Car & Get Prepaid Credit!

We’ve lost a quarter of our fleet to the current crisis! If you want to ensure that your neighborhood car stays put, consider sponsoring an eGo vehicle while getting free carshare credit as a win-win!

  • $100 earns you a 10% bonus ($110 in credit) + neighborhood car stays put for 1 week
  • $500 earns you a 15% bonus ($575 in credit) + neighborhood car stays put for 1 month
  • $1000 earns you a 25% bonus ($1250 in credit) + neighborhood car stays put for 2 months

Just give us a call at 303-720-1185 and mention “Credit 100/500/1000” depending on how much of a bonus you want.

Free Credit for Medical/Healthcare & Volunteers

If you are a medical or health professional, or a volunteer for a nonprofit like Boulder Food Rescue, Denver’s or part of a formal Covid-19 response effort, we want to show you our gratitude and help the helpers with free eGo CarShare usage. Give us a call at 303-720-1185 to redeem.

Not a Volunteer? Please Donate!

If everyone donates just $10-$25, we can continue to offer you low cost access to vehicles when you need them, now and beyond the crisis. Your impact will be doubled as our Board will match every penny donated up to $5,000!

Now Offering Weekly Flat Rates – $238

Includes gas, insurance, & 250 miles ($0.20/mi after) for Standard 2WDs

(additional $10/day or $70/week surcharge for AWD or truck)
Call Now to Reserve – 303-720-1185

Get Out(side)!

It took a global pandemic for the world to finally acknowledge that nature is in fact a critical, “essential” human service, one that we all need now more than ever! So enjoy Spring, Get Outdoors, but #BeCovidSafe and keep your distance!

We continue to work hard to keep you safe, with increased sanitation efforts. We also ask that you please use the provided wet wipes / sanitation before and after your trips. For more information visit the CDC’s website.

Thank you for supporting your community carshare! ~ eGo CarShare

eGo CarShare’s mission is to empower our community to live a car-free lifestyle and have a positive impact on our health, wealth, and shared environment. We aim to make Colorado a “Cooler”, healthier and more socially equitable place to live.