We’re looking for Community Education & Outreach Interns!

The Community Education & Outreach Intern will help us develop and implement targeted strategic communications and marketing campaigns to maximize the usage of our fleet and improve messaging around other aspects of our mission related to social equity and mobility. This includes supporting campaigns around “multi-modal” mobility (ex. Boulder B-cycle partner campaigns).  Responsibilities will include […]

Spring into Spring w/ CO CarShare Trucks & AWDs!

Happy Springtime, Car & Truck Share Enthusiasts! Spring is right around the corner, and that means more time spent outside gardening, hiking, skiing, home improvement projects, and spring cleaning. Colorado CarShare offers affordable truck share for your every need! Want to freshen up your landscaping, but don’t have a way to transport your yard waste? […]

Say Hello to Colorado CarShare!

Happy Birthday to US! 22 years ago (we turned 22 on 8/22/2020 to be exact!), we were founded as Boulder Car Share, a small neighborhood nonprofit sharing a little red car and a big dream: Improving lives in our community by enabling a car-free lifestyle. A lot has changed in the last 22 years, both […]

eGo Alert – Celebrate Earth Day!

Dear eGo Amigos & Amigas! As we celebrate the 50th Earth Day, it is hard to believe what an incredibly difficult time we’ve all been through. At eGo CarShare we’ve already had to take over a quarter of our fleet offline, at least for now. But…in a world where millions are now unemployed and business […]

Mariposa EV Press Release

eGo CarShare is very happy to announce Colorado’s first electric vehicle car share in a mixed-income community! The new car is located at Navajo and 10th Street in the Mariposa District of Denver. eGo has been present in the neighborhood since 2013, but we are now proud to take this significant step in sustainable transportation.  On […]

Supporting our Partners – Boulder B Cycle!

Our very own Fleet Manager (Adam) constantly uses Boulder B Cycle to get across town to check up on our cars and get them to appointments (35+ in Boulder!). This is no small feat, and B Cycle makes it that much easier for Adam. Here is his story: “As Colorado CarShare’s fleet manager I am […]

Colorado CarShare CarShare Board of Directors – Positions Available!

  If you are a leader in the greater Denver & Boulder-Metro region who may be interested in helping an amazing nonprofit org grow into the future, we now have open positions on the Colorado CarShare Board of Directors. We are at a pivotal time in the organization’s existence as the mobility landscape continues to […]

eGo & Scraps Bicycle Composting in Denver

 As a Colorado CarShare member, you already choose to live a more sustainable urban existence. Yay carsharing! Want another way to be sustainable in Denver by being a food and soil regenerator?! Check out our friends at Scraps, a company that uses only bikes and trikes – or a Colorado CarShare business membership if the […]

Winter Driving Tips

Greetings Colorado CarShare Members! Having trouble finding our Colorado CarShare cars during heavy snowfall? Our Member Support Team is always here to help, but as a small nonprofit with convenient and comprehensive vehicles across Denver and Boulder County, it takes us a while to brush off every one of our cars, trucks and our AWD […]

eGo CarShare & Boulder Chamber Partnership

eGo CarShare – Colorado’s first and only non-profit carsharing org in Boulder County and Denver – is very proud to announce our new partnership with Boulder Chamber! This includes adding our newest carshare location onsite in the Chamber’s parking lot at Walnut and Folsom! A business eGo CarShare (www.carshare.org) membership replaces the need of managing an in-house […]